Wednesday, March 20, 2013

And so it began...May 22, 2012

We decided that it was finally time to add to our family!! We were so excited and ready for this new adventure! After 3 months, we finally got the answer we were looking for!!! It took Chad awhile to finally admit that this was going to happen and once he did, I took the test!!

We were so excited!! We didn't know what to do!! Who should we tell?!? How long should we wait?!? Oh my gosh, it's Memorial Weekend, and I can't hide this when we go camping! So we decided that if some of our friends were going to find out, we should tell our parents! 

We first texted my brother Corey and his wife Megan. They were in Vegas and we knew they wouldn't say anything!! Then we texted Chad's sister Jill. And when I say texted I sent them this way to share the news!

The next day we decided to tell our parents. We went to Chad's parents first and asked Chad's Dad if he would have an opening at Grandpa Daycare! They were shocked!

Then we went to my parents. I told them I had the cutest picture to show them on my phone. Of course I showed them the pic of the stick. I'm sad that we lost this video when Chad's phone crashed this summer:(.

And with that came sharing the news with other family and friends, still hiding it from most people . We were waiting for that 10 week time frame to happen. 

And then came 40 wonderful weeks of pregnancy. When I say wonderful, I mean it. Someone really was watching out for me and blessed me with a near perfect pregnancy.