Monday, December 30, 2013

Time to update

So, my intentions were to keep going with the blog, recording all the wonderful things of our new family. Life has been busy since having Brik. So, I'll fill ya in on some highlights over the last few months. And then will keep the blog updated(hopefully:)).

  Learning all the wonderful things about having a baby...feedings, diapers, up all night, etc!  Chad was able to work from home while I was on maternity leave. 

 Baptism. We had a small baptism with just our family at my church I grew up at Concordia Lutheran Church on March 10th.

 Brik celebrated his first Easter. Here is his Easter outfit from Grandma Voth. I promised Chad that this would be the only time I would get Brik an Easter outfit with a bunny on his butt:)

  Mama's first Mother's Day! Brik gave me a beautiful necklace that I wear all the time. Brik also enjoyed/learned what camping is all about. It's not much fun when it's freezing and you have to stay in the stroller.

   Mama is home with me!!!  I am off of work now for the summer and Brik and I are enjoying everyday together!! We are trying to find a routine, learn how to sleep in our crib(not going so well), and learning to eat food. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The arrival of Brik Walter Glover

 We arrived at Mayo around midnight on Friday, January 25th. Everything progressed very quickly.  By 6am the bright lights were turned on and I had 5 docs standing in front of me.

 After 20 minutes of pushing, the told me to reach down and grab my baby!!

Chad did the honors of telling me that the baby was a boy. I couldn't believe it! I just wanted to hold him and never let go! The nurses took him quickly to the other side of the room because he had swallowed fluid. He recovered quickly and the nurses reassured me that he was healthy.

I just laid there and took in everything that was going on. 12 doctors and nurses in our room was how many I counted. And it amazed me that they all were calm and did what they needed to.

By 730 the room was quiet and it was just Chad, Brik, and I. Chad was giving Brik his first bottle. I just laid there and site ever!

Chad did all the phone calls while I slept. Chad and I both had been up for pretty much 24hours. By 930 we were moved to our permanent room and got settled in.

40 weeks and 6 hours of pregnancy:)

So the adventure had begun. What will the next 40 weeks bring?!? Morning sickness? Growing belly? Emotions(oh, sweet emotions)? Weight gains? Cravings? Doctor visits...and more!

Chad and I decided to chronicle the pregnancy with weekly pictures in front of a chalkboard (fitting for a teacher). Here's a look at week 10- week 40.

Looking back I just laugh at how I thought I had the cutest belly at like week 14!! Then I look at weeks 30-40 and then I really had a belly!!

Pregnancy was great!! I slept well, ate well, still played volleyball until week 32, and had no complications! All of our doctor visits went really well! I felt the first flutters at week 18.

 My due date was Friday, January 25th. I had jokingly said earlier in the pregnancy that I wanted to go to work that day, finish that up, then come home and go into labor.

Well we were on our way to Mayo by 10:30pm on Friday, January 25th

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

And so it began...May 22, 2012

We decided that it was finally time to add to our family!! We were so excited and ready for this new adventure! After 3 months, we finally got the answer we were looking for!!! It took Chad awhile to finally admit that this was going to happen and once he did, I took the test!!

We were so excited!! We didn't know what to do!! Who should we tell?!? How long should we wait?!? Oh my gosh, it's Memorial Weekend, and I can't hide this when we go camping! So we decided that if some of our friends were going to find out, we should tell our parents! 

We first texted my brother Corey and his wife Megan. They were in Vegas and we knew they wouldn't say anything!! Then we texted Chad's sister Jill. And when I say texted I sent them this way to share the news!

The next day we decided to tell our parents. We went to Chad's parents first and asked Chad's Dad if he would have an opening at Grandpa Daycare! They were shocked!

Then we went to my parents. I told them I had the cutest picture to show them on my phone. Of course I showed them the pic of the stick. I'm sad that we lost this video when Chad's phone crashed this summer:(.

And with that came sharing the news with other family and friends, still hiding it from most people . We were waiting for that 10 week time frame to happen. 

And then came 40 wonderful weeks of pregnancy. When I say wonderful, I mean it. Someone really was watching out for me and blessed me with a near perfect pregnancy.